Title: Cain
Series: Deathstalkers MC: 2nd Generation
Author: Alexis Noelle
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: May 6, 2019
When I found her that night I had no idea what I was getting into.
She’d been hurt, destroyed.
I couldn’t walk away from her.
Little did I know that helping her would change my entire life.
Now she’s in danger, someone is after her and I need to protect her.
The only problem is that once I make her mine who will protect her from me?
Review by: Melanie
(5 Stars)
Cain finds his neighbour, Emma, on one of the worst days of her life and takes it upon himself to take care of her and her sweet little daughter Amy. It really doesn't take long for the pair to develop feelings for each other, and Cain tries to help her through what happened, all while he and his brothers try to figure out who is after her.
This is the first in the Deathstalkers next gen series and while I couldn't really remember who was who from the original series, it really didn't matter at all as this read like a completely new series all of its own. Yes, Cain's parents did make an appearance, but they were not integral to the story at all.
As for Cain and Emma, I really liked these two but IMO I felt things moved way too fast between them, especially after what happened. This is a short book and has to fit quite a lot into it, but I think I would have preferred for the relationship to move a bit slower. I get it though, sometimes you meet someone and you just know they're for you, so while that point was a bit off for me, I did enjoy this and am looking forward to seeing which other "kids" are going to get a book. I give Cain 4 stars.
Alexis Noelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her three kids. On top a writing career, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. She loves spending time with her kids, although she has to hide the computer from them when she is writing! She love being active and being outdoors, especially if it involves any kind of shopping.
She has always been passionate about writing. She loves to read romance books and feels like being able to lose yourself in a book is one of the more exciting aspects. The books she loves to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. Ashley believes that you should have an opinion on every character in a book whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.
She also believes that the most important critic is your reader, so she loves to hear from the readers. She want her fans to be open & talk to her about what they want for the characters in the story, and what they would like to see happen.
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